SinricPro Library

The main class of this library, handling communication between SinricPro Server and your devices. More...

Inherits SinricProInterface.

Public Member Functions

void begin (String appKey, String appSecret, String serverURL="")
 Initializing SinricProClass to be able to connect to SinricPro Server. More...
void handle ()
 Handles communication between device and SinricPro Server. More...
void onConnected (ConnectedCallbackHandler cb)
 Set callback function for websocket connected event. More...
void onDisconnected (DisconnectedCallbackHandler cb)
 Set callback function for websocket disconnected event. More...
void restoreDeviceStates (bool flag)
 Enable / disable restore device states function. More...
unsigned long getTimestamp () override
 Get the current timestamp. More...
proxy operator[] (const String deviceId)
 operator[] is used tor create a new device instance or get an existing device instance More...

Detailed Description

The main class of this library, handling communication between SinricPro Server and your devices.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

void begin ( String  appKey,
String  appSecret,
String  serverURL = "" 

Initializing SinricProClass to be able to connect to SinricPro Server.

appKeyString containing APP_KEY (see credentials from )
appSecretString containing APP_SECRET (see credentials from https:://
serverURLString containing SinricPro Server URL (default="")


#define APP_KEY "YOUR-APP-KEY" // Should look like "de0bxxxx-1x3x-4x3x-ax2x-5dabxxxxxxxx"
#define APP_SECRET "YOUR-APP-SECRET" // Should look like "5f36xxxx-x3x7-4x3x-xexe-e86724a9xxxx-4c4axxxx-3x3x-x5xe-x9x3-333d65xxxxxx"
void setup() {
SinricPro.begin(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET);

◆ getTimestamp()

unsigned long getTimestamp ( )

Get the current timestamp.

unsigned long current timestamp (unix epoch time)

◆ handle()

void handle ( )

Handles communication between device and SinricPro Server.

This is the absolute main function which handles communication between your device and SinricPro Server.
It is responsible for connect, disconnect to SinricPro Server, handling requests, responses and events.
This function has to be called as often as possible. So it must be called in your main loop() function!
For proper function, begin() must be called with valid values for 'APP_KEY' and 'APP_SECRET'


void loop() {

◆ onConnected()

void onConnected ( ConnectedCallbackHandler  cb)

Set callback function for websocket connected event.

cbFunction pointer to a ConnectedCallbackHandler function
See also


SinricPro.onConnected([](){ Serial.printf("Connected to SinricPro\r\n"); });

◆ onDisconnected()

void onDisconnected ( DisconnectedCallbackHandler  cb)

Set callback function for websocket disconnected event.

cbFunction pointer to a DisconnectedCallbackHandler function
See also


SinricPro.onDisconnected([](){ Serial.printf("Disconnected from SinricPro\r\n"); });

◆ operator[]()

SinricProClass::proxy operator[] ( const String  deviceId)

operator[] is used tor create a new device instance or get an existing device instance

If the device is unknown to SinricProClass it will create a new device instance

deviceIda String containing deviceId for device that have to been created or retreived
returns a proxy object representing the reference to a device derrivered from SinricProDevice


<DeviceType> &reference = SinricPro[<DEVICE_ID>];

[] Example-Code

#define SWITCH_ID "YOUR-DEVICE-ID" // Should look like "5dc1564130xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
SinricProSwitch &mySwitch = SinricPro[SWITCH_ID];

◆ restoreDeviceStates()

void restoreDeviceStates ( bool  flag)

Enable / disable restore device states function.

If this flag is enabled (true), SinricProServer will send last known device states to your device directly after connection to SinricPro server has been established.
For every state the corresponding callback (like onPowerState) will be called
This is useful after a power failure / reboot of your device.

flagtrue = enabled
false= disabled