SinricPro Library
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Available devices. More...


class  SinricProAirQualitySensor
 Device to report air quality events. More...
class  SinricProBlinds
 Device to control interior blinds. More...
class  SinricProCamera
 Camera suporting basic on / off command. More...
class  SinricProContactsensor
 Device to report contact sensor events. More...
class  SinricProDimSwitch
 Device which supports on / off and dimming commands. More...
class  SinricProDoorbell
 Device to report doorbell events. More...
class  SinricProFan
 Device to turn on / off a fan and change it's speed by using powerlevel. More...
class  SinricProFanUS
 Device to control a fan with on / off commands and its speed by a range value. More...
class  SinricProGarageDoor
 Device to control a garage door. More...
class  SinricProLight
 Device to control a light. More...
class  SinricProLock
 Device to control a smart lock. More...
class  SinricProMotionsensor
 Device to report motion detection events. More...
class  SinricProPowerSensor
 Device to report power usage. More...
class  SinricProSpeaker
 Device to control a smart speaker. More...
class  SinricProSwitch
 Device suporting basic on / off command. More...
class  SinricProTemperaturesensor
 Device to report actual temperature and humidity. More...
class  SinricProThermostat
 Device to control Thermostat. More...
class  SinricProTV
 Device to control a TV. More...
class  SinricProWindowAC
 Device to control Window Air Conditioner. More...

Detailed Description

Available devices.